What's New
Beef is the New Pork
We have been raising American Guinea Hogs for several years now and it is time for a change. We have enjoyed these little guys and gotten a lot of benefits from having them around, but hogs are work. … more
Ain't I been sayin' it? I been sayin' it.
Coming under the heading of science finally backing up common sense, recent research has shown that most of the honey we get through large commercial distribution chains comes from unknown sources, … more
Plucking the Chickens
So, it took me more than a year to finish it, but it's finally done! I've been working on an automatic chicken plucker in my spare time. I got the idea from Herrick Kimball's Whizbang … more
Is that peach fresh?
I was sitting at my desk at work today trying very hard not to listen to the conversation happening behind me. Two of my coworkers were debating whether frozen fruits and vegetables are as good … more
The Declining Nutritional Value of a Vegetable
When we were kids, our mothers always told us to eat all of our vegetables so that we could grow big and strong. But Mom had always heard that vegetables were good for you. It turns out … more